Newark | Solid Oak 13 | 14Less expense –same high qualityThe Newark is proof that you can have ease of use and an increased feeling ofit all – a cost effective range that does security.not stint on quality or appearance.Combining pine with solid oak allows us The Newark is ideal for smaller create a staircase that is great value As our photographs show, this woodenfor money but will last a lifetime. staircase fits cosily into even veryDesigned and built with Stairplan’s restricted areas while complying withtrademark commitment to quality the English building regulations, and size isNewark is a superb made-to-measure not an issue - we construct the staircasepiece of furniture that is also suitable for to fit your specific measurements.the smaller home. Research* shows that Various optional upgrades such as glasswinder staircases such as this can be balustrades or turned newel posts andsafer than straight staircases, and are balusters are available to suit yourThis small double winder much easier to climb and descend. requirements. staircase is a clever solution for Another advantage, especially for olderrestricted areas, fully compliant people, is the pairing of a narrower The Newark can be viewed in ourwith English building regulations. staircase with handrails either side for showroom. *Building Research Establishment