Kensington| Solid Oak 27 | 28Craftsmanshipat it’s bestA connoisseur’s choice, the Kensington showcases thetalents of our team of expert craftsmen, bringing acontemporary edge to a traditional design. Its simple,understated style and the silky finish of solid oak willonly improve with time – and this is a piece that is builtto last. The Kensington is a top of the range stairwithout the hefty price tag. A traditional British cut oropen string staircase, the example pictured has beenmade without a decorative string bracket, a processthat is more difficult to achieve. Solid oak risers – asopposed to veneers – give both character and longevity. Please visit our showroom to fully appreciate the finecraftsmanship and engineering skills involved increating the Kensington. The Kensington demonstrates the best oftraditional British craftsmanship.