Townsend| Solid Oak 29 | 30Beautiful fromevery viewpointThe Townsend is a favourite with Stairplan customerswho fall in love with its tasteful lines, beautiful finishand our trademark attention to detail. This quality oakstaircase, with its attractive grain markings looks greatfrom every angle. The Townsend’s signaturecharacteristic is its solid oak tread constructed in openplan style. The substantial treads not only lend areassuringly solid air to this staircase; they allow us toforego the usual regulations requiring ‘down standrisers’ or cross bars. Run your hand along tactile solidoak handrails, adjoining 120mm square newel posts –every element of these stairs has been designed to be inperfect proportion, lending an air of harmony. Choosefrom 55mm balusters or sheer toughened glass. Townsend landing with glass balustradeThe classic Townsend, in warm tactile oak, isa great favourite.