Denver| Walnut 31 | 32Make animpressionThe dramatic dark tones and distinctive grainpatterns of black walnut, paired with a painted whiteopen string make the Denver an unforgettablyimpressive focal point in your hallway. Stylish glassbalustrades make the most of the light in your homewhilst creating the impression of spaciousness. Thewooden treads and risers are designed in anattractive Z-shape – a clever touch that lends evenmore character to this staircase, which features solid120mm newel posts and substantial 80mmhandrails. The beauty of quality hardwoods such asthis lie in their unique grains and textures, and youcan enhance the Denver still further with white ashinlays such as those featured on the newel posts andtreads in the image on the left. Optional white ash inlays contrast beautifullyvwith the dark hue of black walnut.