New England| Walnut 33 | 34A grand entranceThe distinctive New England style conveys warmth and hospitality. It isinstantly recognisable and never fails to appeal – research reveals thistimeless look is at the top of most people’s décor wish lists. Ourcontemporary take on this classic style features all of New England’sbest loved elements. Attention to detail is evident in every aspect ofthis staircase, from the chiselled balusters to the clean square newelposts with their walnut inlays – simple but stylish. The pitch of the darktreads is mirrored by the flow of the substantial handrail, while thedecorative line of the string bracket only enhances the sense ofharmony. The wide entrance steps, with set-back newel posts is aninspired touch, giving a sense of openness, space and drama. The New England has become our designers’ favourite - will it be yourstoo? Find out when you visit our showroom and see this sumptuousstaircase for yourself. Rich chocolate tones, cool white woodworkand superb detailing – is it any wonder thisis our designers’ favourite?