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Staircase Models

Trade Range | Craftsmans Pine | Pine Openplan | Newark | Craftsmans Oak | Houston | Boston | Kensington Cut String | Manhattan |

Trade Range Staircase options

The Trade Range is our Entry Level Staircase, Constructed with a MDF tread the Trade Range Staircase offers value and function and the price point is slightly lower than the Craftsmans Pine specification which comes with a Pine tread.

Basic Trade Range Staircase No Handrails Trade Range Staircase with primed stair strings Trade Range Staircase - Square Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm MDF Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Square Balusters
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
Trade Range Staircase - No Handrails Trade Range Staircase - No Handrails
Pre Primed Strings.
Trade Range Staircase - With Handrails
Square Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
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32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
32mm Pine Square Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail
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Trade Range Staircase - Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm MDF Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
Trade Range Staircase - Turned Newels and Spindles


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm MDF Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Turned Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Turned Spindles
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
Trade Range Stair with handrail pre white primed strings and balustrade
Trade Range Staircase - With Handrails
Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters
Trade Range Staircase - With Handrails
Turned Newels and Spindles
Trade Range Staircase - With Handrails
Square Newels and Balusters - Pre Primed


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
32mm Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Turned Newel Posts
32mm Pine Turned Spindles
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed White Square Newel Posts
32mm Primed White Square Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail Primed White

Stop Chamfered Trade Range Stair with handrail pre white primed strings and balustrade Trade Range Staircase pre primed parts turned spindles  
Trade Range Staircase - With Handrails
Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters
Pre Primed
Trade Range Staircase - With Handrails
Turned Newels and Spindles
Pre Primed


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
32mm Primed Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail Primed White


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm MDF Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Turned Newel Posts
32mm Primed Turned Spindles
Pine STHR Handrail - Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail - Primed White



Craftsmans Pine Staircase options

The Craftsmans Pine Range is the starting specification we would recommendif you are looking for a Staircase in your own property, Constructed in Engineeed pine with a engineered pine tread of the MDF treads in the Trade Range Staircase for a small additional cost the lifespan on the Craftsmans Pine Staircase will greatly increase over that of the entry level Trade Range Staircase.. Back to Top

Craftsmans Pine Staircase - No Handrails


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm Engineered Pine Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
Craftsmans Pine Staircase pre primed stair strings Craftsmans Pine Staircase - Square Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm Engineered Pine Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Square Balusters
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - No Handrails Craftsmans Pine Staircase - No Handrails
Pre Primed Strings.
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Square Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers

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32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
32mm Pine Square Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail

Pre Primed white Craftsmans Pine Staircase - Square Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm Engineered Pine Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Square Balusters
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - Square chamfered stop detail Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm Engineered Pine Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Square Balusters
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
White Primed Craftsmans Pine Staircase - stop chamfered Newels and Balusters


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
 22mm Engineered Pine Treads
 12mm Plywood Risers
 90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
 32mm Pine Square Balusters
 Pine STHR Handrail
 Pine STBR Baserail
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Square Newels and Balusters - Pre Primed
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters.
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters
Pre Primed


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed White Square Newel Posts
32mm Primed White Square Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail Primed White


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
32mm Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
32mm Primed Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail Primed White

Straight Pine Staircase with turned spindles on balustrade Pine striaght flaight of stairs with handail pre prime strings and turned parts spindles newel post Straight staircase with colonial spindles white primed
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Turned Newels and Spindles
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Turned Newels and Spindles
Pre Primed
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Handrail
Turned Newels and 41mm Colonial Spindles
Pre Primed


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Turned Newel Posts
32mm Pine Turned Spindles
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Turned Newel Posts
32mm Primed Turned Spindles
Pine STHR Handrail - Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail - Primed White


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Turned Newel Posts
41mm Primed Colonial Turned Spindles
Pine STHR Handrail - Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail - Primed White

Craftsmans Staircase in Pine pre primed with a Oak Handrail Craftsmans Staircase in Pine stop chamfered design pre primed with a Oak Handrail pine staircase tith georgian turned spindles oak handail white primed parts
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Oak Handrail
Square Newels and Balusters - Pre Primed
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Oak Handrail
Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters
Pre Primed
Craftsmans Pine Staircase - With Oak Handrail
Turned Newels and Spindles
Pre Primed


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed White Square Newel Posts
32mm Primed White Square Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail Primed White


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
32mm Primed Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail Primed White


32mm Engineered Pine Strings - Primed White
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Primed Turned Newel Posts
32mm Primed Turned Spindles
Oak STHR Handrail - Primed White
Pine STBR Baserail - Primed White


Pine Openplan Staircase

The Pine Openplan staircase is a Traditional Open riser staircase with a Half Riser Downstand.

Pine Openplan Staircase with handrail Pine Openplan Staircase with handrail Stop Chamfered Pine Openplan Staircase
Pine Openplan Staircase - With Handrail
Square Newels and Balusters
Pine Openplan Staircase - With Handrail
Stop Chamfered Newels and Balusters
Pine Openplan Staircases are available but Hardwood is Recommnded


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
32mm Engineered Pine Treads
22mm Engineered Pine Risers Openplan Style
90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
32mm Pine Square Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
32mm Engineered Pine Treads
22mm Engineered Pine Risers Openplan Style
90mm Pine Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
32mm Pine Stop Chamfered Balusters
Pine STHR Handrail
Pine STBR Baserail

Look at the Boston Oak Openplan Staircase


Newark Staircase options

The Newark Staircase is the next model up from the Craftsmans Pine Range, On the Newark staircase the balustrade components on the Newark staircases are Oak. Back to Top

Newark staircase pine newel posts oak Parts Newark staircase pine with oak handrail parts Newark Staircase with Oak Stair balustrade parts


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Pine Square Newel Posts
41mm White Oak Square Balusters
NEWARK DESIGN White Oak Handrail
NEWARK DESIGN White Oak Baserail

On the Newark Staircase you can specify the Handrail Profile as the NEHR Square Newark Section of the STHR Profiled section.

As Standard to pine parts would come raw but you can specify to have these Pre Primed white.


32mm Engineered Pine Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
41mm White Oak Square Balusters
NEWARK DESIGN White Oak Handrail
NEWARK DESIGN White Oak Baserail

STHR Oak Handrail Newark Staircase with Oak Newel Posts
STHR Oak Handrail Section NEHR Newark Oak Square Handrail Newark Staircase
Select Oak Handrail 60 x 60mm Section Newark Oak Handrail 60 x 60mm section Newark Staircase - Oak Newel Posts
NEHR Newark Square Handrail


Craftsmans Oak Staircase options

The Craftsmans Oak Staircase is a conventional closed staircase construction. This conventional closed construction of staircase is typically the most common found in the UK. Back to Top

Oak Closed staircase with Pine treads for carpeting Crafsmans Oak Staircase - No Handrails Craftsmans Oak Staircase pine treads square balustrades
Craftsmans Oak Staircase Pine Treads -
No Handrails
Crafsmans Oak Staircase -
No Handrails

Craftsmans Oak Staircase Pine Treads -
With Handrail - Square Newels & Balusters


32mm Oak Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
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32mm Oak Strings
22mm Oak Treads
12mm Oak Faced Risers
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32mm Oak Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Oak Square Newel Posts
41mm Oak Square Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail

Craftsmans Oak Staircase pine treads stop chamfered balustrades Craftsmans Oak Staircase Pine Treads - Turned Newels and Spindles
Craftsmans Oak Staircase - Square Newels & Balusters
Craftsmans Oak Staircase Pine Treads -
With Handrail - Stop Chamfered Newels & Balusters
Craftsmans Oak Staircase Pine Treads -
With Handrail - Turned Newels and Spindles
Craftsmans Oak Staircase - With Handrail
Square Newels & Balusters


32mm Oak Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Oak Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
41mm Oak Stop Chamfered Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail


32mm Oak Strings
22mm Engineered Pine Treads
12mm Plywood Risers
90mm Oak Turned Newel Posts
41mm Oak Colonial Turned Spindles
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail


32mm Oak Strings
22mm Oak Treads
12mm Oak Faced Risers
90mm Oak Square Newel Posts
41mm Oak Square Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail

Craftsmans Oak Staircase - stop chamfered Newels & Balusters Craftsmans Oak Staircase - Turned Newels and Spindles  

Craftsmans Oak Staircase - With Handrail
Stop Chamfered Newels & Balusters

Craftsmans Oak Staircase - With Handrail
Turned Newels and Spindles


32mm Oak Strings
22mm Oak Treads
12mm Oak Faced Risers
90mm Oak Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
41mm Oak Stop Chamfered Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail


32mm Oak Strings
22mm Oak Treads
12mm Oak Faced Risers
90mm Oak Turned Newel Posts
41mm Oak Turned Spindles
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail



Houston Oak & Glass Staircase options

The Houston Oak Staircase is a conventional oak closed staircase with Vision Glass Balustrade. With having glass the Houston Staircase is constructed to a heavier specification than the Craftsmans oak Staircase.. Back to Top

Houston oak staircase with vision glass balustrade inline glass Inline glass balustrade for staircases with oak
Vision Glass Balustrade - Recessed
The Houston Staircase is available to view in our showroom. The Recessed Inline Glass


32mm White Oak Strings
22mm White Oak Treads
12mm Oak Veneered Risers
90mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
10mm Toughened Glass Panels
HOUSTON Profiled White Oak Handrail
HOUSTON Profiled White Oak Baserail

The Vision Glass Balustrade can be specied in smaller panels if preffered.

The staircase above is shown with a Double Curtail Entry step option.

More on the Houston Staircase

Houston Oak and glass staircase
Oak staircase with vision glass and brackets Oak and Vision glass balustrade brackets Oak staircase Vision glass balustrade with brackets
Vision Glass Balustrade - With Brackets
Vision Glass With Brackets Houston Oak Closed Staircase
Vision glass Balustrade with Brackets


32mm White Oak Strings
22mm White Oak Treads
12mm Oak Veneered Risers
90mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
10mm Toughened Glass Panels
SQHR Square White Oak Handrail
SQBR Square White Oak Baserail

The SV-BRAC glass Clamp with its Brushed Finish is the Standard Bracket used.

A Polished version is available at additional cost.

More on Vision glass With Brackets


Boston Oak Openplan Staircase options

The Boston Staircase is a Traditional Open riser staircase with a Half Riser Downstand. The Boston staircase meets UK domestic Building Regulations for the 100mm Sphere rule. Back to Top

Boston Oak Openplan staircase with balusters Boston Oak Openplan staircase with stop chamfered balusters Oak Boston staircase with open risers
Square Newel Posts & Balusters
Stop Chamfered Newels & Balusters
The Boston Staircase is available to view in the showroom.


32mm White Oak Strings
32mm White Oak Treads
Oak Half Riser Downstand
90mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
41mm White Oak Square Balusters
STHR Profiled White Oak Handrail
STBR Profiled White Oak Baserail


32mm White Oak Strings
32mm White Oak Treads
Oak Half Riser Downstand
90mm Oak Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
41mm Oak Stop Chamfered Balusters
Oak STHR Handrail
Oak STBR Baserail

More on the Boston Staircase
Boston Oak openplan staircase with inline glass balustrade recessed. Boston Oak open rise stairway vision glass balustrade with clamps Oak and Vision glass balustrade clamps



Vision Glass With Brackets


32mm White Oak Strings
32mm White Oak Treads
Oak Half Riser Downstand
90mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
10mm Toughened Glass Panels
Vision Glass Recessed
SQHR Square White Oak Handrail ( Groove)
SQBR Square White Oak Baserail ( Groove/Rebate )


32mm White Oak Strings
32mm White Oak Treads
Oak Half Riser Downstand
90mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
Toughened Glass Panels With Brackets
SQHR Square White Oak Handrail
SQBR Square White Oak Baserail

The SV-BRAC glass Clamp with its Brushed Finish is the Standard Bracket used.

A Polished version is available at additional cost.


Kensington Oak Staircase

The Kensington Oak Cut String Staircase - The Kensington Staircase is a High Quality Cut String Staircase - The Balustrade components on the Kensington are from our Standard range of components with 90mm Newel posts sections and 41mm Balusters. Back to Top

Kensington oak cut string Cut String Staircase with Return Nosing

The Kensington Staircase is available to view in our showroom.

More on the Kensington Staircase



32mm White Oak Strings
Cut & Mitred String - Face Side
Closed String - Wall Side
Detail - Return Nosing With Scotia
Detail - No Bracket
22mm White Oak Treads
22mm White Oak Risers
90mm White Oak Stop Chamfered Newel Posts
41mm White Oak Stop Chamfered Balusters
STHR Profiled White Oak Handrail

On the Kensington staircase the Riser is mitred directly to the stair string.

There is no decorative bracket on the face of the string keeping the look of the staircase more simple to suit todays more contemporary market.

The Newel posts and balusters on the Kensington are Stop chamfered.

Options to have the balusters and Newel Square or the Standard Turned are available >

90mm Oak Turned Newel Posts
41mm Oak Turned Spindles


90mm Oak Square Newel Posts
41mm Oak Square Balusters


Manhattan Oak Staircase

The Manhattan Oak Staircase is a premium Oak staircase constructed with a non-conventional construction. The Treads on the Manhattan staircase are designed to be carpeted and the carpet comes around halfway down the face of the riser, The underside of the staircase is constructed as standard to be left exposed with no visible fixings. (A saving is available to have the stair constructed with a conventional wedged construction) The Newel posts and Balustrade parts are from the Larger 120mm selection. Back to Top

Manhattan Oak Staircase Manhattan Oak Staircase from Below Vision Glass balustrade LED strip
MANHATTAN OAK STAIRCASE Underside of the Manhattan Staircase Vision Glass Options


40mm White Oak Strings
Manhattan Tread & Riser Detail
32mm White Oak Treads
20mm White Oak Risers
120mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
55mm White Oak Square Balusters
STHR55 Profiled White Oak Handrail
STBR55 Profiled White Oak Baserail

Beautiful From Below

The Manhattan Oak Staircase is manufactured with a non conventional construction we have the new unique tread detail and a clean construction to the underside of the staircase.

More on the Manhattan Staircase

On the Manhattan Staircase the Recessed Vision Glass Balustrade or the Vision glass Balustrade options are both available.

Shown above is a special bespoke option where a LED strip light is set into the handrail inline with the Glass.


Townsend Oak Staircase

The Townsned Oak Staircase is a premium Oak openplan staircase, built with chunky 110mm treads and balustrades from the 120mm range the Townsend staircase has a dramatic presence.

Townsend Oak Chunky staircase premium oak    
With Balusters


40mm Oak Strings
110mm Townsend Oak Treads
120mm Oak Square Newel Posts
120mm White Oak Square Newel Posts
55mm White Oak Square Balusters
STHR55 Profiled White Oak Handrail
STBR55 Profiled White Oak Baserail




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